I love this! You’re inspiring me to dig my iPod out and see if it still works. I started listening to whole albums again this year because I found myself compulsively pressing skip far too often on my commute, and am seriously considering getting finding a radio with a cd player in it for my car again. I’m glad that physical media is making a return!

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I still have -and still listen to- my CD’s which my thoughtful daughter “burned” for me circa 2004. It’s liberating to listen to commercial free music, which I own and can listen to (even when the power goes out) by plopping some batteries in my CD player. That simple. Albums, Tapes, and CD’s, oh my!

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This was a great read. I still listen to CDs, several of which I kept from high school. The rest I thrift or buy on Ebay. I do the same for Vinyls and really appreciate the time it takes to find music I want. I am feeling inspired to buy an iPod now though 🤔

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My mom was shocked when I mentioned listening to Norah Jones albums on our old CD player 😂 I love physical media and my record collection, I need all of it to come back full force!

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I miss my yellow ipod nano so much 😭

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I still have the same iPod touch that was gifted to me by my parents over a decade ago with the explicit purpose of me being able to stream the entirety of the Let It Shine soundtrack, so I wouldn't harass them about it! I'm glad more people are converting back to single-use devices! 

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Thank you for writing about this with such enthusiasm and love. I am now on the hunt to purchase a second-hand iPod. Only wish I could find something in pink, but oh well—I won't be (very) picky.

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